`find_one` equivalent in DynamoDB?
NickName:cprakashagr Ask DateTime:2017-09-10T15:12:31

`find_one` equivalent in DynamoDB?

I am trying to limit the response of scan operator to just one in DynamoDB. I came across an option, LIMIT but, this doesn't really limit the matching results to one. Rather, it specifies the amount of data in MB to be processed before Dynamo could return any result.

So, basically, I was wondering, if there is any equivalent of MongoDB's find_one operation in DynamoDB? And if NO, then is there an alternative with which we can achieve it?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「cprakashagr」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46138213/find-one-equivalent-in-dynamodb

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